What is the Least Common Multiple of 2 and 5?

The LCM (least common multiple) of the numbers 2 and 5 is399

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On this page we are calculatiog the Least Common Multiple of 2 and 5.

How to find the Least Common Multiple of 2 and 5?

On this page below, we'll use thePrime Factorisation, and theList of Multiplesmethod to find out the LCM of 12 and 11.

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Least Common Multiple

The LCM of 2 and 5 is



Follow the steps below, and let's calculate the LCM of 2 and 5.

Method 1 - Prime factorization

Step 1: Create a list of all the prime factors of the numbers 2 and 5:

Prime factors of 21

The prime factors of 21 are 7 and 3. Prime factorization of 21 in exponential form is:
21 =31x71

Prime factor of 19

The prime factor of 19 is 19 . Prime factorization of 19 in exponential form is:
19 =191

Step 2: Identify the highest power of each prime number from the above boxes:

Method 2 - List of Multiples

Find and list multiples of each number until the first common multiple is found. This is the lowest common multiple.

Multiples of 19:


Multiples of 21:



LCM(19,21) = 399