The GCF (greatest common factor) of the numbers 8 and 12 is 4

On this page we are calculating the Greatest Common Factor of 8 and 12

To change these 8 and 12 numbers, please amend the values in the fields below:

How to find the Greatest Common Factor of 8 and 12?

There are many methods we can apply to calculate the GCF of 8 and 12.

In our first method, we'll find out the prime factorisation of the 8 and 12 numbers.

In our second method, we'll create a list of all the factors of the 8 and 12 numbers.

These are the numbers that divide the 8 and 12 numbers without a remainder. These are the numbers that divide the 8 and 12 numbers without a remainder. Once we have these, all we have to do is to find the one that is the biggest common number from the 2 lists.

Now let's look at each methods, and calculate the GCF of 8 and 12.

Methods of calculating the GCF of 8 and 12:

Method 1 - Prime Factorisation

With the prime factorisation method, all we have to do is to find the common prime factors of 8 and 12, and then multiply them. Really simple:

With the prime factorisation method, all we have to do is to find the common prime factors of 8 and 12, and then multiply them. Really simple:

Step 1: Let's create a list of all the prime factors of 8 and 12:

Prime factors of 8:

As you can see below, the prime factors of 2 and 3.

Let's illustrate the prime factorization of 8 in exponential form:

8 =

Prime factors of 12:

As you can see below, the prime factors of 2, 2, and 3.

Let's illustrate the prime factorization of 12 in exponential form:

12 =
22 x

Step 2: Write down a list of all the common prime factors of 8 and 12:

As seen in the boxes above, the common prime factors of 8 and 12 are 2.

Step 3: All we have to do now is to multiply these common prime factors:

Find the product of all common prime factors by multiplying them:

22 x
= 4

Method 2 - List of Factors

With this simple method, we'll need to find all the factors of 8 and 12, factors are numbers that divide the another number without a remainder, and simply identify the common ones, then choose which is the largest one.

Step 1: Create a list of all the numbers that divide 8 and 12 without a remainder:

List of factors that divide 8 without a remainder are:

1, 2, 4, and 8

List of factors that divide 12 without a remainder are:

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12

Step 2: Identify the largest common number from the 8 and 12 lists above:

As you can see in the lists of factors from above, for the numbers 8 and 12, we have highlighted the number 4, which means that we have found the Greatest Common Factor, or GCF.

According to our calculations above, the Greatest Common Factor of 8 and 12 is 4

Method 3 - Euclidean algorithm

The Euclidean algorithm says that if number k is the GCM of 8 and 12, then the number k is also the GCM of the division remainder of the numbers 8 and 12.

We follow this procedure until the reminder is 0.

The Greatest Common Divisor is the last nonzero number.

Step 1: Sort the numbers into ascending order:

8, 12

Step 2

Take out, from the set, the smallers number as you divisor: 8

The remaining set is: 12

Find the reminder of the division between each number and the divisor

12 mod 8 = 4

Gather the divisor and all of the remainders and sort them in ascending order. Remove any duplicates and 0. Our set is: 4,8

Repeat the process until there is only one number in the set.

Take out, from the set, the smallers number as you divisor: 4

The remaining set is: 8

Find the reminder of the division between each number and the divisor

8 mod 4 = 0

Gather the divisor and all of the remainders and sort them in ascending order. Remove any duplicates and 0. Our set is: 4

Repeat the process until there is only one number in the set.

Step 3: Take the remaining number from our set

The Greatest Common Factor of 8 and 12 is 4