The GCF (greatest common factor) of the numbers 10 and 13 is 1

On this page we are calculating the Greatest Common Factor of 10 and 13

To change these 10 and 13 numbers, please amend the values in the fields below:

How to find the Greatest Common Factor of 10 and 13?

There are many methods we can apply to calculate the GCF of 10 and 13.

In our first method, we'll find out the prime factorisation of the 10 and 13 numbers.

In our second method, we'll create a list of all the factors of the 10 and 13 numbers.

These are the numbers that divide the 10 and 13 numbers without a remainder. These are the numbers that divide the 10 and 13 numbers without a remainder. Once we have these, all we have to do is to find the one that is the biggest common number from the 2 lists.

Now let's look at each methods, and calculate the GCF of 10 and 13.

Methods of calculating the GCF of 10 and 13:

Method 1 - Prime Factorisation

With the prime factorisation method, all we have to do is to find the common prime factors of 10 and 13, and then multiply them. Really simple:

With the prime factorisation method, all we have to do is to find the common prime factors of 10 and 13, and then multiply them. Really simple:

Step 1: Let's create a list of all the prime factors of 10 and 13:

Prime factors of 10:

As you can see below, the prime factors of 2 and 5.

Let's illustrate the prime factorization of 10 in exponential form:

10 =
21 x

Prime factors of 13:

As you can see below, the prime factors of 13.

Let's illustrate the prime factorization of 13 in exponential form:

13 =

Step 2: Write down a list of all the common prime factors of 10 and 13:

As seen in the boxes above, the common prime factors of 10 and 13 are .

Step 3: All we have to do now is to multiply these common prime factors:

Find the product of all common prime factors by multiplying them:

= 1

Method 2 - List of Factors

With this simple method, we'll need to find all the factors of 10 and 13, factors are numbers that divide the another number without a remainder, and simply identify the common ones, then choose which is the largest one.

Step 1: Create a list of all the numbers that divide 10 and 13 without a remainder:

List of factors that divide 10 without a remainder are:

1, 2, 5, and 10

List of factors that divide 13 without a remainder are:

1 and 13

Step 2: Identify the largest common number from the 10 and 13 lists above:

As you can see in the lists of factors from above, for the numbers 10 and 13, we have highlighted the number 1, which means that we have found the Greatest Common Factor, or GCF.

According to our calculations above, the Greatest Common Factor of 10 and 13 is 1

Method 3 - Euclidean algorithm

The Euclidean algorithm says that if number k is the GCM of 10 and 13, then the number k is also the GCM of the division remainder of the numbers 10 and 13.

We follow this procedure until the reminder is 0.

The Greatest Common Divisor is the last nonzero number.

Step 1: Sort the numbers into ascending order:

10, 13

Step 2

Take out, from the set, the smallers number as you divisor: 10

The remaining set is: 13

Find the reminder of the division between each number and the divisor

13 mod 10 = 3

Gather the divisor and all of the remainders and sort them in ascending order. Remove any duplicates and 0. Our set is: 3,10

Repeat the process until there is only one number in the set.

Take out, from the set, the smallers number as you divisor: 3

The remaining set is: 10

Find the reminder of the division between each number and the divisor

10 mod 3 = 1

Gather the divisor and all of the remainders and sort them in ascending order. Remove any duplicates and 0. Our set is: 1,3

Repeat the process until there is only one number in the set.

Take out, from the set, the smallers number as you divisor: 1

The remaining set is: 3

Find the reminder of the division between each number and the divisor

3 mod 1 = 0

Gather the divisor and all of the remainders and sort them in ascending order. Remove any duplicates and 0. Our set is: 1

Repeat the process until there is only one number in the set.

Step 3: Take the remaining number from our set

The Greatest Common Factor of 10 and 13 is 1